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Sabtu, 6 September 2014

#workingSaturday #kejetakde #japancuti #takbest


Since my last post, Hani dah almost 6mo pun sekarang. Shes a grownup healthy and beautiful baby indeed.

I bet there were too much of 'somethings' happened, but alhamdulillah we still together sailing the boat. 
Ramadhan passed by,
Hari Raya passed by,
Dear brother already married,
Perang gaza,

What a world!

What i can say is uncountable Alhamdulillah. Semua yang DIA rencanakan adalah yang terbaik. I believe!  The best for me, the best for dearest husband and the best for the family. Semoga kami terus istiqamah demi kebaikan dan kebahagian anak-anak yang tiga orang tu.  

Atok dah rindu cucu. Lepas mummy keje jap lagi kita balik kampung. Pantas lah pukul 12.30 tengah hari. I nak cabot!

Wajah-wajah kesayangan saya!

Success doesn't come to you…you go to it

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