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Khamis, 3 April 2008

Kurus Diet Diet Kurus!

All of a sudden, since last Monday i have a feeling to concentrate on diet was effervescently seethed. It is all began when the Mr challenge me for 33 size. Hihi not so far to go. But still I have to work hard to reach the goal.

May be if thinking on a bad side, ppl will thought that he is demanding for something which is not myself. But I do take all his advices in a positive way since i know the reason he did so is only for my good. Very much thanks to god he is very supportive and never give up to encourage me, giving spirits and of course in a lovely means. I really appreciate it dear.

As usual everyday after work he will be my reminder; "syg ari ni dah exercise ke?" "OK x ari ni? Tahan x ni yg""Karang wat sit up ngan exercise biar sampai peluh2 banyak tau." Best kan... ;)

Uiks malam td he told me his weight is already 80kg. huaaaa what happened dear? Nak gemoks gak ke? Haha..

Kak ina jom ler kita saiko sesama. Jap lg nak jadi ratu jamu ler katakan.... Abis le merelip2 sume anak dara kat R&D ni. keskekskes.....


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