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Isnin, 30 Jun 2008


I can’t sleep. (11.39pm)

Status: semua orang jadi burung hantu malam ni.


Will wait for the result.



My whole weekend was tiring.


Synonym to a name of a species of a lady, nobody can help when it comes to a shopping issue.

I bought some shirts, some shoes and a pair of jeans.
Some toiletries and some supplements for health.

Tuka stereng baru. Uwaaaa nyesal beli awal2.. kalo tak leh dapat stereng free sponsored by my dear... Hmm kena demand hadiah lain nih.

Wiwiwi…. Wa dah separa pokai oooo….

Guess what.. I went for shopping alone..carry all those bags alone..
Couldn’t find my parking also alone..

Iron lady must be independent kan..


Sunday was very terrible.

Bulan bintang semua keluar.

I skipped all my afternoon till night class. X bole tahan ooo… rasa macam nak tercabut pinggang.

Balik umah, had some rest n gain back my energy.

A good life is a collection of happy memories.

4 Kata-kata Magik:

ima berkata...

hey babe, cheer up!!!

tasikmerah berkata...

penyokong spain juge?.. kita sama...

KAKTINY berkata...

pasai tu kaktiny gi opis, jalan lengang giler.. parking pun byk kosong.. padan muka yang takleh bangun tido tu.. hahahhaha...

fLuRrY.bLuRrY.bUbBLy. berkata...

Happy sebab SPAIN menang!!!
Hehehe derang mogok sedey ke kat sana azima?? mesti awk pun tumpang sekaki nangis eh. heheheh.. gurau je.

Yey! kita serupaaaaaaa....

Apa lagi kaktiny. Time ni je la pun nak merasa conquer jalan ngan kebebasan parking merata-rata. hehehehe...


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