Having a good time was always when we were out together.
Last 2 weeks, we went for a picnic somewhere around Putrajaya. I cooked for him Ayam Masak Merah and Kangkung Ikan Masin. A menu with me must always ada sayur. A lot and lot of vegetables is a must.
And plus cucur a.k.a cekodok sayur. Kat umah aku panggil 'jemput' jer. Might be due to the making of that kuih. I put in carrot+sawi+ikan bilis+bawang >> BLENDED. Add on some taugehs and black pepper instead. Tadaaaaa... That is the reason why it called "cucur sayur".
Can immagine the output colours??
Yeaaahh Greenish+Orangenishhh hahah tak tau nak cakap kaler apa. Janji lazat and full of vits and fibres.
2:00pm : Having lunch and he slept for 30 mins. I??? hurmmm harus lah aku x bley tido. Confirm kebarangkalian tuk kena rompak tersangat tinggi kalau dua2 pengsan.
Aku jadi pak guard makan rambutan sampai laling bangun 30 mins later.. I kept 1 for him.. Sebijik je la tapi.. Eh ok apa. At least i "igt org blakang" ;)
3:30pm: Asked for laling jom "posing2" Ok.. Seems there were only two of us, akibatnya U snap I and I snap U. :D
[caption id="attachment_674" align="aligncenter" width="377" caption="The port where we choose for picnic lunch and he had a quick nap."]

[caption id="attachment_675" align="aligncenter" width="351" caption="Comey sket dari kerang... heheh.."]

5:00pm : We went to Alamanda to buy some groceries. We both loved ice cream. So bought 1 tupperwear of ice cream and Peel Fresh orange Juice for "jajan".
Tak baik membazir. Food remaining enough for both of us for dinner though.
6:30pm : Picnic again somewhere around and having dinner together untill all the food finished + ice cream as The Dessert of The Day. Seriously blurpppppppyy!!!!
7:10++ pm : Went home and having a good night sleep.
4 Kata-kata Magik:
bercanda di pasiran tasik
kita bersama bermadu asmara
ada adegan lari lari kejar kejar macam hindustan tak?
kalau ada pon tentu noi tergolek dlm tasiknyer, jadi satu issue lak
Noi, mmg best picnic kat putrajaya kan? Cantik je, esp mengadap tasik tu. Tenang ;)
inaz: x de soundtrack x dpt mood nak guling2.. ;)
reza: ooooo aku tau. isunya mcm ko pnh pesan kat aku time aku pakai bj kurung putih n hari kat luar ujan.. cettttt
nette: betul2 tasik dia besar n bangunan pn cantik2. sesuai tuk picnic n snap2. heheh...
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