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Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

she turns up. erm...

I cuti semalam. 
Adalah satu nikmat bila kita pergi martenity checkup dengan husband.
Thank you dear husband even you melalut sebab panas and menunggu lama tapi i redha je sebabnya cakap masa hari panas. 2 minit ilang la. hahah... tak lut pun.

Nak jadi cerita masa dekat KK Seri Kembangan dua orang nurse belek perut tak jumpa heart beat baby. So diorang conclude unstable, puan kena jumpa doctor. Hurmm... okeh.
Doc scan and just showed me the blup blup of the heart on screen. I pun ok je tak tanya lebih sebab dah lama kot. Letih. 

Estimate berat baby is 2.6kg. size is lebih kurang betul ikut EDD. Sebabnya kali ni my EDD is just based on scan semata.
The doc suruh I refer Hosp Serdang suruh buat CTG pula. Haishh.. Ni la yang buat kena sembur dengan husband masa tengah panas kan.

Next app 2pm at KPMC. By the time I showed him surat refer Hosp Serdang tu was around 11.30am. Haaa macam peluru la keluar bebelan suami saya sebab nak ke Serdang tu je menunggu dah satu hal lepas tu dah terkejar nak ke KPMC pulak. Kenapa tak CTG dkt KPMC je skali karang? Ok..Ok... -silent mode-

Bila jumpa Doc Mimi dekat KPMC baru dia bagi tau kenapa pagi tadi heartbeat baby tak dapat nak detect stable.
Sebabnya kepala baby dah terpusing ke atas. The doc pun tanya I that doc tak de inform you apa2 ke?
Seriously it scares me a lot. 
Kalau before 30 weeks I dunt mind sebab baby buat somersault adalah perkara biasa since masih kecil and banyak ruang dia nak bergolek. 
Tapi kalau dah 35 weeks theres no way for doctor to help you to turn the baby. Only naturally will do. pun cakap benda yang sama.

Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (about the size of a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same.

Sebelum ni dah ok je baby dah cephalic cuma belum engage ye la awal lagi kan.. Tup tup semalam dia breech position dalam space yang kecik tu.

Hurm... baby sayang, you main apa sampai tergolek songsang ni. Pusing la balik anak... help mummy please. 

Doc Mimi advice, the other way that may helps is masa you solat. From ruku' to sujud dia akan tekan cervix muscles, insyaAllah baby boleh pusing naturally. Sebab even at this stage dia boleh pandai tergolek ke atas, she should know to tergolek bawah balik. 
I really really wish she can do it.

Owh btw, this time doc said she is a girl. Last time just by her prediction and mummy instinct only, may be she is a girl. Not he is a boy. :D
So insyaAllah Harraz dapat adik girl.

Next two weeks i ada schedule appointment yang sama macam semalam. Pagi di KK Seri Kembangan, petang O&G KPMC. Senang sekali harung on the same day bole cuti. Ngengenge...

Doc Mimi dah arrange dengan specialist Dr Jamil. Masa tu i will be in 37 weeks. Kalau baby masih breech, possible Dr Jamil akan terus book untuk cser again...

Sejujur-jujurnya saya berdoa Allah masih izinkan saya untuk normal delivery kali ni. Bersalin cser memang tak sakit masa delivery tapi I dah ada experienced macam mana rasa lepas cser and the painful bila you get pregnant again. 

I can't immagine kalau tempat lama kena toreh balik sedangkan ngilunya masih terasa sampai sekarang. Hurmm tak tau nak explain macam mana tapi great kudos to few of my friends yang experienced semua anak cser delivery and ada yang tiap2 tahun bersalin cser limited 4 orang, doc suruh tutup kilang terus. :D

Tipu la I tak nervous nak tunggu jumpa specialist nanti sebab semuanya will be finalize on that day.
Harapnya baby good girl tau apa yang mummy rasa and mummy fikir, then she will turn down back to normal position.

Rabbi Yassir Wala Tu'assir.
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan ku, Permudahkanlah jangan disulitkan.

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