My Princess

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My Sweetpie

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Selasa, 4 Mac 2014

My baby girl is now 3!

Daddy is on his way to work place, 12.30am. He took half day EL today, brought Harraz to clinic due to mild fever.
I told husband let me know once you reach office then only I will go to sleep. Mata dah tak larat nak bukak ni tapi I tetap tunggu sebab risau daddy drive sorg2 to Cyberjaya at this hour.

Last Sunday was Hannah Qaisara 3rd birthday. No super special birthday party. Mummy dah tak larat nak handle. Hannah nak pergi KLCC.. Hurm jauhnya.. Malam2 pulak ni. So daddy bodek Hannah pergi Putrajaya je right after blanja her dinner.
Good choice instead sebab malam minggu, meriah dekat dataran Putrajaya. Both my children were having fun the whole night and only fallen asleep at 2.00am that day. Luckily tomorrow is Sunday so its forgiven.

We just bought her a birthday cake and cheerful out loud of birthday song by us, our small little family; mummy-daddy-harraz and the birthday girl; Hannah Qaisara.

Now I believed everything will happen naturally when the right time comes. No dictator potty training, and by the time she reached her 3rd birthday she passed her potty training excellently.
Penat mak ni stress mcm mana nak train Hannah poo poo dalam toilet bowl instead of wasting fresh diaper just for that job.
Alhamdulillah, I am happy.

She still in progress learn to write alphabets and numbers. Practise make perfect. Hari-hari Hannah rajin tulis ABC and do colouring.

InsyaAllah mummy doakan someday kakak berjaya jadi doctor muslimah. Like you always said" nanti kalau mummy dgn daddy sakit, Hannah bagi ubat ye".

Remember darling, you always be apart of my heart, my soul and my life. Happy Birthday!
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