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Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

The DUMBEST thing happened

I did a very BIG mistakes last night.

Anybody agree kalau kita cakap Bahasa Malaysia/Bahasa Melayu [or kesimpulannya our mother tounge] sangat susah.. Sape setuju???

Ker aku ni yang memang sangat weak subjek bahasa!

Erm ni semua gara-gara kepala duk mikir teringin sangat nak makan mcd sepanjang otw nak g kelas smlm. Eventhough lagi 30 min nak start class pun aku gagahkan jugak g cari mcd.

Akibatnya the most DUMBEST thing happened.

I didnt prepared for the class which i usually use my earlier 30 mins to do some revision about the topic that im going to teach that day.

I taught them a DUMB thing and make me myself such a silly person.

I made them more confused with the topic which they were already in all the way confused about  Bahasa Malaysia.

Plus there's a new student from KL which kinda of 'kerek' and like to ask me nonsenses sort of 'loyar buruk'. Made my day even worse.

He keep plays tricks on me then i fall into his trapped due to how anxious i am to deal with the tricky questions and arghhhh aku sakit kepala OK!

He keep asking my age, am i married and staring at me secretly from his seat.. "My dear, u ingat i tak tau ker?? I have my another binocular eyes la."

I am very very sorry. I messed up the class.


8 Kata-kata Magik:

mrsdjones berkata...

errr.. apa telah terjadi..
apa2 pon kesian kat Noi..
mmg subjek bahasa malaysia susah sebenarnya..
esp bab mengarang2 ni memang tak pandai!

0ladyfisz0 berkata...

uwaaa noi lagi prefer bab brain storming nak cari isi penting tuk karangan dari part tatabahasa n novel tah apa2 tu.

Diyana Ali berkata...

janji budak tuh tak pandang "situ"

Murni berkata...

amenda yg DUMB tu?? isk isk isk.. just forget it lah.. evryone make mistakes.. :P

mrsdjones berkata...

owhh.. part yg kena hurai karangan/novel ek? yang tu pon pening jugak!

ina camar on 1 Mac 2009 pada 3:08 PTG berkata...

hiihi .. sukanya

ima on 2 Mac 2009 pada 2:54 PG berkata...

subjek libatkan bahasa ni semua susah, pulak nak mengajor orang ni lagi le susah..hehe ala tak kisah la noi, bebudak zaman skang cepat konfiden..ahaks

. i . n . a . z . berkata...

beb.... u r tagged. sila jawap tag yeh.


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